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METMUN is proud to host all three committee types traditionally offered at a majority of Model UN conferences. With that being said, there are three types of committees to choose from: General Assemblies (GAs), Specialized Agencies (SAs), or Crises. The number of positions in each committee depends on the type, with GAs having more positions, and Crises tending toward less. We recommend newer less experienced delegates choose from one of our GAs. 

At METMUN 2024 a General Assembly will consist of approximately 30 positions in each committee. It is the goal of each general assembly committee to debate, vote upon, and pass a resolution to either one or both topics presented in the committee's background guide. There is no crisis component within the GAs at METMUN. These committees are recommended for beginner delegates or delegates looking to sharpen up their debate and collaboration skills. 

General Assembly Guides

Below you can find our general assembly background guides for METMUN2023.



At METMUN 2023 a Specialized Agency Committee consists of approximately 15 to 30 positions. It is the goal of both Specialized Agency committees to debate, vote upon, and pass a resolution to either one or both of the topics presented in the background guide. As opposed to GAs, SAs at METMUN have crisis scenarios embedded within them. These committees are recommended for seasoned delegates with a decent level of Model UN experience looking to sharpen up not only their debate skills, but also their negotiation skills and knowledge of the subject matter at hand. 

Specialized Agency Guides

Below you can find our specialized agency guides for METMUN2023.

At METMUN 2023 we like our Crisis Committees. With three on offer, we can offer a wide range of experiences from your wildest sci-fi fantasy to re-creating actual world history. Crisis Committees at METMUN 2023 consist of a maximum of 20 positions per committee. These committees are recommended for well seasoned and well trained delegates looking for a challenge. METMUN 2023 is also offering an Ad-Hoc committee to spice things up a little bit. If you're reaching the end of your time in Model UN and want to start your last year off with a bang, these are the committees to do it with. 


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