At METMUN 2024 we like our Crisis Committees. With three on offer, we can offer a wide range of experiences from your wildest sci-fi fantasy to re-creating actual world history. Crisis Committees at METMUN 2024 consist of a maximum of 20 positions per committee. These committees are recommended for well seasoned and well trained delegates looking for a challenge. METMUN 2024 is also offering an Ad-Hoc committee to spice things up a little bit. If you're reaching the end of your time in Model UN and want to start your last year off with a bang, these are the committees to do it with.
Korean War JCC
​Korea has been liberated from the Imperial Japanese Empire but all is not well. The Soviets and Americans have strong preferences on what political leaders will replace the former colonial government. Preferences which put them at odds with one another. In Korea, two parallel liberation movements, once smothered under the yoke of Japanese imperialism have risen back to prominence. The Capitalists-Modernizers, and the Marxist-Leninsts have had a tense rivalry with one another since the 1920’s, and with the help of the Americans and Soviets, both of these revolutionary groups are now in control of just half of a nation. These two groups are not satisfied with the status quo and would stop at nothing to reunite their homeland. War is coming back to this tiny peninsula, and it has the potential to draw the whole world into the unthinkable.