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Specialized Agency

At the TMU Collegiate Level Model United Nations Conference 2024, a Specialized Agency Committee consists of approximately 15 to 30 positions. The goal is to debate, vote on, and pass a resolution addressing one or both topics presented in the background guide. Unlike General Assemblies, the Specialized Agency at TMU's conference includes crisis scenarios, making it ideal for experienced delegates seeking to enhance their debate, and negotiation skills, and deepen their understanding of the topics at hand.

Canadian Parliament - House of Commons Chamber: (Intermediate)


Canadian Parliament is an iteration of the United Kingdom’s Parliament otherwise known as Westminster. With 800+ years of legislative history and precedence, and a 157 year existence, Canadian Parliament is one of the most revered political institutions in the world. A well oiled machine made for creating and amending laws, providing representation to all 40 million Canadians, and maintaining a service with the utmost respect, integrity, professionalism, and ethical standards of any other institution in this country. In 157 years of government, it has seen all kinds of changes and has undergone stress but has never broken. 


It is March of 2024. The last federal election was in September of 2021 and the Liberals currently have a minority government with support from the New Democrats in a “Supply in confidence agreement”. The Conservative Party remains the Official Opposition gunning for a chance to govern, and the Bloc Quebecois continues to advocate for issues most important to Quebec. March marks the end of the financial period for the government and a new budget is necessary for its continued operation. With the Conservatives ahead by 18 percent in the polls the Liberals need to gain some ground, the budget is the perfect opportunity to do so. However, if the Liberals cannot satisfy the NDP, their “Supply in confidence” partners, the NDP might pull the plug and force the Liberals to call an election by voting against the budget. An election for the Liberals with these numbers could very well end up relegating the party to third place, and boosting the Conservatives into government for the first time in 10 years with their biggest victory since Mulroney. It’s up to you to work together with your Parliamentary colleagues and put forward a budget that satisfies all the parties in the chamber, but most importantly, a budget that works well for Canadians during these economically and socially turbulent times for the country. 


*Delegates will be assigned a position in the 44th parliament as it was in March 2024 and will be representing their positions AS THEMSELVES. For example, the Prime Minister will be the delegate assigned to that position, not Justin Trudeau. However, policy positions taken by the parties are expected to be represented. Please note that due to the size of the House of Commons compared to the size constraints of this committee, the Green Party (GPC) will not be available for representation by the delegates. However, the GPC will still be recognized in the chamber.

Please note that Position Papers are required to be eligible for awards in this committee.

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Chair: Owen Webbe

Vice Chair: Fynn McNolty

Vice Chair: Brahmnoor Singh Kahlon

Crisis Director: Christian Olao

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