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About METMUN 2023


Focus on Leadership

The first theme for METMUN 2023 is practicality. Within our conference, delegates can expect there to be ample opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills as they collaborate with others, and put their points across in debate to advance their interests. However, delegates can also expect a large emphasis on the practicality of their solutions both in the way they may be implemented if this conference was a real life scenario, and their ability to deal with an unexpected turn of events. In short, METMUN has always been focused on the inept ability of its delegates to utilize the variety of tools around them to turn an inevitably sour situation into one in which all parties involved benefit. 



Dedication to Public Service 

METMUN's second theme for this year's iteration is dedication to service. At our conference, delegates will be challenged to question themselves and their colleagues as they make decisions that impact the citizens of their nations and/or the stake holders of their positions. In real world situations, compromise may be more effective than standing ones ground, and METMUN is dedicated to the idea of effective leadership. A dedication to the service of those being governed is essential to effective decision making and leadership. 



A strive Toward Excellence

METMUN's third and final theme for its 2023 conference is a strive toward excellence. In Model UN, there's always a strive to excellence, whether it be working to achieve a certain solution or outcome in committee, or being recognized for your work by receiving an award because of your demonstration of excellence. Model UN would not be as important or as valuable of an experience without a constant strive for excellence. At our conference, you can expect not only delegates with that very attitude, but staff members and members of the secretariat with that very way of thinking and acting. 


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